Thursday, October 1, 2009


To all the children out there, i wanna wish u a HAPPY CHILDREN's DAY!!!

I tried to update already :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Goat farm

Well, yesterday was a really hectic day for me.. when cutting the devices in the morning, i actually broke another mold. T_T.. thats really serious as a single silicon mold for my decvice is not only expensive but it takes a whole day just to come up with one design. And yea, I BROKE IT!! this caused Shripad's face from becoming from black to even blacker la. Hahas. Well, things took a turn when dave came to check on our progress in the afternoon. I was supossed to go back to BTI to finish up some lab work before going home.

On the way back, we went to the goat farm, Hay Daries. in Lim Chu Kang area.. it was a really serene environment.. but the place totally stinks!!! Lols. However, Dave was kind enough to give us a bottle of goat milk each.. yays. i got the chocolate flavoured one. tasted good. hahs (:

So after the goat farm visit, we went back to BTI to do our lab work.. i did some cell harvesting ( it stinks too)and for the 1st time, i got to play with a high speed centrifuge!! But for some reason, i dunno why they had a bunny picture on the operation panel display and it moves. As the centrifuge spins faster the bunny runs faster.. Lols. comical..

Well, i will upload the pics i took later in the day.

Goat Farm

The centrifuge display.. notice the bunny?


Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Headphones!!

Went to Morning PM today ( IT WAS GREAT!).. and had a visit from my Laision officer in the morning. so after the meeting, fellowshiped with the ppl a then I rushed off to BTI already. When Ms Toh came.. i was starting to get worried as she was gonna do an evaluation for me. Luckily Dr Ow gave her a very good report on what i was doing for the past 3 weeks and on my performance on the whole.. Hahas. PTL!!!... well after the visit, i went down to NTU, Dave drove me there :D

After finishing up with what had to be done @NTU, guess what?... for some reason, i went to suntec city alone to check out the computer show 09' .. Lols... there were lots of ppl there.. packed totally... its a Thursday... dont people have to work?!?! after walking round the place, i spotted a Headphone which i was eyeing on for a long long time which i couldn't bear to buy due to the $... i'm not a rich guy mahs.. hahas.. and for some reason, I BOUGHT IT... $49.90... was gone.. i had a big hole in my wallet...

But i never regretted it... its super good la, gonna show the ppl tmr :D


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

i Phone 3GS

iPhone 3GS offers speed boost, video capture

Philip Michaels,

Apple has unveiled a new version of the iPhone. Dubbed the iPhone 3GS, the latest version of Apple’s popular smartphone promises to launch applications and run software faster than the previous model.

"The ’S’ stands for speed," Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice-president of worldwide product marketing, told Worldwide Developers Conference attendees during Monday’s conference-opening keynote.

The new phone sells for $199 for the 16GB version and $299 for a 32GB model. Apple is cutting the price on the current iPhone 3G to $99 for the 8GB phone.

The iPhone 3GS will be available in the US on June 19 - two days after the iPhone 3.0 software update arrives. It will also be available in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland on June 19. A week later, Apple says, the phone will launch in six more countries, with more launches to come in July and August.

While the iPhone 3GS looks similar on the outside to the previous 3G model, the latest phone offers a camera designed to allow users to control the focus either by tapping on the screen or using the autofocus feature. In addition, the iPhone’s new camera captures video in addition to still photos - a heavily requested feature among iPhone owners.

The iPhone 3GS is also said to include a voice-control feature to allow users to speak commands for applications on the phone. Accessibility improvements include VoiceOver support for reading to users and the ability to zoom in on the phone’s display for larger icons.

Enterprise users get a requested feature in the form of hardware encryption. For anyone using an Exchange service of the Find Your iPhone feature in the iPhone 3.0 software update, remote wipe is instantaneous and backups are encrypted.

Apple promises improved battery life with the iPhone 3GS. The phone is said to offer nine hours of Internet access on Wi-Fi, 10 hours of video, 30 hours of audio playback, 12 hours of 2G talk time, and five hours of 3G talk time.

In keeping with Apple’s ongoing push to tout the environmental friendliness of its products, the company noted that it had reduced packaging for the phone by 23%. The iPhone 3GS also features arsenic-free glass and a mercury-free LCD; the phone is also free of brominated flame retardant (BFR) and PVC, the company says.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Well, it has been a very very.... long time since i last touch this blog.. hahs. it was once a SP4 blog that was used to do my assignments. So finally, after reading other people's blogs for some time i decided to revive mine!!

(i will try to update again .... soon.. )'


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Very sick will be denied health care

After reading the article, i pesonally feel that the decision made is cruel and selfish. However, in times of a pandamic when existance is the factor itself, sacrifices are inevitable. i personally feel that very elderly, seriously hurt trauma victims, severely burnt patients and those with severe dementia paitents should not bedenied medical aid unless in case of severe circumstances.

The lack of scarce medical resources had made rationing of healthcare during major outbeak of diseases necessary. This is because, the amount of medical care that hospitals and doctors can provide are limited. This had hence led to people who are listed on the 2nd priorty list to be denied of help. Indeed, people would want to save paitents who have the chance to survive instead of wasting resources on a dying paitent.

Although iIt is said that it was an "emotionally difficlut"task for the people involved in compiling the list, i feel that such a decision should only be made in dire situations e.g. in a case of a pandamic.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Pharmaceutical companies- Obligations

The topic of discussion for this week is about obligations in pharmaceutical companies.. Firstly obligations is defined as: The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie. i personally feel that the basic obligation of a pharmaceutical company is to ensure the health and safety of their consumers. Products from companies that are in the pharmaceutical industry, such as Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline need to meet certain standards before they are sold to the consumers. Detailed and stringent quality control checks are necessary to ensure that each and every pill that reaches the consumer is safe for consumption and meets its purpose.
Personally, i feel that there is one such company which follow such obligations. that is Abbot.
Abbot is a global, broad-based health care company that is devoted to discovering new medicines, new technologies and new ways to manage health. Their products span the continuum of care, from nutritional products and laboratory diagnostics through medical devices and pharmaceutical therapies. Their comprehensive line of products encircles life itself – addressing important health needs from infancy to the golden years.
It can be clearly seen that Abbot is having the customer's health care at 1st. The promise of the company is in the promise that their work holds for health and for life. i feel that this act is necessary as a pharmaceutical company is formed on the basis of creating health care products that would help save and improve people's lives.
A company cannot go on without money. Another obligation that i feel is important for a pharmacutical company is indeed money itself. Each and every company in the world needs money to sustain and go on. when a pharmaceutical company makes money, they will not only make money for the company and its investors. But also be able to invest in research to produce more cost effective and useful drugs which will help improve lives of their consumers.